As hatred against Jesus intensifies in the United States, Christians are facing increasing attacks and constant threats. Daniel 7:25 prophesies that the end day beast who will devour the earth will "... speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws." Laws in our nation that once protected Christianity have been replaced with laws that threaten Christianity. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has enacted laws that have led us down, in exact order, the seven step Stairway to Hell, described in Romans 1:21-32. As citizens of the Kingdom of God, how should we react? We are living in a nation of perversion, violence, and blasphemy. A constant flow of filth pours into minds that are growing darker by the day. No safe place remains in the land that was once the land of the free. Atheism has taken over our schools, colleges, and universities. The occult has infiltrated every area. Greed and covetousness have replaced contentment and peace.
Tolerance is not passiveness. The definition of tolerance is endurance. We are called to follow our Lord's footsteps. How did He react when His life was constantly threatened? How did He react when His footsteps led Him to the cross? How did He react while nailed to the cross in agony and mockers laughed and sneered as He died? How did He tell His disciples to live, as citizens of His Kingdom? How did He tell us to live in these lasts days, when He said that all nations and all men will hate those who follow Him? This book leads us to the Bible for answers. It is God, not man, Who we will stand before on our day of judgment. God, not the "Supreme" Court of the United States, will have the final word.
God Is Calling His People to Tolerance is an urgent call to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways. Our one hope of survival is revival - a return to Jesus, our Savior, our Lord, and our King.
Soft Cover: 260 Pages
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Tolerance is not passiveness. The definition of tolerance is endurance. We are called to follow our Lord's footsteps. How did He react when His life was constantly threatened? How did He react when His footsteps led Him to the cross? How did He react while nailed to the cross in agony and mockers laughed and sneered as He died? How did He tell His disciples to live, as citizens of His Kingdom? How did He tell us to live in these lasts days, when He said that all nations and all men will hate those who follow Him? This book leads us to the Bible for answers. It is God, not man, Who we will stand before on our day of judgment. God, not the "Supreme" Court of the United States, will have the final word.
God Is Calling His People to Tolerance is an urgent call to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways. Our one hope of survival is revival - a return to Jesus, our Savior, our Lord, and our King.
Soft Cover: 260 Pages
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THE CHIP contains the following chapters:
The Mark of the Beast
The Implanted Chip
Man's Dependency
How Close Are We?
Revealing Excerpts from Articles
Baby Steps
Mind Control
Quantum Computers
Killing to Advance Science
Why is God Against This New Currency?
What Will you Do?
The Future Is Clear
How Will Christians Survive?
Steps for Survival
Fate of the Beast and False Prophet
Fate of the Devil
Fate of Recipients of the Mark of the Beast
Promises to the Victorious
The Approaching Night
Do You Have an Ear?
Be Strong in the Lord!
Be alert! Be informed! Be prepared!
Soft Cover: 108 Pages
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The Mark of the Beast
The Implanted Chip
Man's Dependency
How Close Are We?
Revealing Excerpts from Articles
Baby Steps
Mind Control
Quantum Computers
Killing to Advance Science
Why is God Against This New Currency?
What Will you Do?
The Future Is Clear
How Will Christians Survive?
Steps for Survival
Fate of the Beast and False Prophet
Fate of the Devil
Fate of Recipients of the Mark of the Beast
Promises to the Victorious
The Approaching Night
Do You Have an Ear?
Be Strong in the Lord!
Be alert! Be informed! Be prepared!
Soft Cover: 108 Pages
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Triumphant Through Tribulation is an in-depth, easy to read book, packed with Scriptures that deal with the following subjects:
· Jesus Is Coming – And Some Claim to Know When!
· Will Christ Return in Phases?
· Why Is Jesus Coming as a Thief In the Night?
· What Is Tribulation? What Is Its Purpose?
· Are Tribulation and Wrath the Same Thing?
· The End-Day Pharaoh
· Portrait of the Antichrist
· The Mark of the Beast
· God’s End-Day People
· Will People Be Saved After Christ Returns?
· Voices From the Past and Present
How foolish we would be to ignore the Bible during these closing days of time. God’s Word is the ONE TRUE INSTRUCTION MANUAL that God, in His mercy and love, has provided for His end-day saints.
Soft Cover 208 pages
If you want to order this book, click this link:
· Jesus Is Coming – And Some Claim to Know When!
· Will Christ Return in Phases?
· Why Is Jesus Coming as a Thief In the Night?
· What Is Tribulation? What Is Its Purpose?
· Are Tribulation and Wrath the Same Thing?
· The End-Day Pharaoh
· Portrait of the Antichrist
· The Mark of the Beast
· God’s End-Day People
· Will People Be Saved After Christ Returns?
· Voices From the Past and Present
How foolish we would be to ignore the Bible during these closing days of time. God’s Word is the ONE TRUE INSTRUCTION MANUAL that God, in His mercy and love, has provided for His end-day saints.
Soft Cover 208 pages
If you want to order this book, click this link:

Money. The poor want more, and the rich want less! Listen to 5 men who had more than they could spend:
John D. Rockefeller, who controlled 90% of the oil in the U.S. (Worth 409 billion dollars today): “I have made many millions, but they have brought me no happiness.”
W. H. Vanderbilt, of the railroad industry: “The care of $200,000,000 is enough to kill anyone. There is no pleasure in it.”
John Jacob Astor, investor in real estate in New York City and fur: “I am the most miserable man on earth.”
J. Paul Getty, named the world’s richest private citizen in 1966, whose oil investments would be worth 21 billion dollars today: “I only know I am desolate.”
Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company: “I was happier when doing a mechanic’s job.”
Andrew Carnegie, who made his money in steel, worth 65 billion dollars today: “Millionaires seldom smile.”
We need to learn from the One Man who lived above the love of money; the lust for money; the power of money; and the lack of money. Do you want financial peace of mind? Follow these 7 steps of JESUS, the PRINCE OF PEACE!
Soft Cover 189 Pages
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John D. Rockefeller, who controlled 90% of the oil in the U.S. (Worth 409 billion dollars today): “I have made many millions, but they have brought me no happiness.”
W. H. Vanderbilt, of the railroad industry: “The care of $200,000,000 is enough to kill anyone. There is no pleasure in it.”
John Jacob Astor, investor in real estate in New York City and fur: “I am the most miserable man on earth.”
J. Paul Getty, named the world’s richest private citizen in 1966, whose oil investments would be worth 21 billion dollars today: “I only know I am desolate.”
Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company: “I was happier when doing a mechanic’s job.”
Andrew Carnegie, who made his money in steel, worth 65 billion dollars today: “Millionaires seldom smile.”
We need to learn from the One Man who lived above the love of money; the lust for money; the power of money; and the lack of money. Do you want financial peace of mind? Follow these 7 steps of JESUS, the PRINCE OF PEACE!
Soft Cover 189 Pages
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Dave, an Olympic champion runner, is called by Christ to run with the torch through this sin-blackened world. His race takes him into cities, prisons, skidrow missions, campuses, lively churches, dead churches, and city parks. He meets skeptics, invalids, prisoners, alcoholics, homeless children, hardened juveniles, and two very different women.
His look backward through the past 2,000 years brings him face-to-face with valiant runners carrying the torch in every century.
He is shocked to discover:
- Augustine's concern about abortion in the 5th century!
- Columba's raging temper that littered a field with 5,000 corpses!
- A woman and six men set aflame for daring to teach their children the Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments in the English language!
- John Hus singing praises while flames devour his body.
- Count Zinzendorf's around-the-clock prayer meeting that lasted 100 years!
- Entire villages of American Indians praying and singing the night through!
- The thrilling conversion of young John Newton, the blasphemous slave trader.
- The near invalid that made her way into Tibet, climbing treacherous mountains in raging blizzards, with a murderer as her guide.
- The young man who tapped into the storehouse of God and became a loving Dad to over 9,500 orphans!
Polycarp, Augustine, Patrick, Wyclif, Luther, Tyndale, Wesley, and Finney are all here. Some of the others you will meet are Columba, Waldo, Francke, Annie, Elizabeth, and Savonarola. Our rich Christian heritage will come alive, not just as historical figures, but as real men, women, teenagers, and children who overcame this world, their flesh, and the devil himself by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and their willingness to both live and die victoriously for their Lord.
Torchbearers is not just another novel with its fictional Dave.
Torchbearers is not just another history book with its nearly 40 biographies.
Torchbearers is a call.
For it is high-time for us all to run with the torch. And the race is not easy today. But then ... it never has been.
“One of the best books I have ever read in my lifetime . . . my life and ministry have not been the same!” Dwight L. Kinman, Author, Hospital Chaplain & Conference Speaker
“I have shared many passages from Torchbearers with my friends and family. I could not put it down! I recommend this book to any person carrying the torch for Jesus who has ever felt alone, rejected, or just in need of a little encouragement.” Rosey Bryan, Wife of Andy, Southern Baptist Evangelist
“ . . . a challenging message and a sharply painted picture of our rich Christian heritage.” Gulf Coast Christian Newspaper
“I was totally awe-stricken! The encouragement one can receive from reading this book is much needed.” Quinton Mills, Evangelist, Songwriter
“I constantly use portions of Torchbearers as I minister to the Youth Group in our church.” Suzanne Courtright, Youth Leader with her husband, Timothy
TORCHBEARERS Through the Centuries
70 to 156 . . . . . . . . . Polycarp
Died in 258 . . . . . . . Lawrence
316 to 397 . . . . . . . . Martin of Tours
354 to 430 . . . . . . . . Augustine
The 400s . . . . . . . . . Patrick
521 to 597 . . . . . . . . Columba
540 to 604 . . . . .. . . Gregory the Great
675 to 754 . . . . . . . . Boniface
801 to 865. . . . . . . . Anskar
Died in 997 . . . . . . . Adalbert
Died in 1012 . . . . . . Alphage
Died in 1045 . . . . . . Gerard
Died in 1079 . . . . . . Stanislaus
Late 1100s - 1217 . . Waldo
1334 to 1384 . . . . . . John Wyclif
1372 to 1415 . . . . . . John Hus
1452 to 1498 . . . . . . Girolamo Savonarola
1483 to 1547 . . . . . . Martin Luther
1494 to 1536 . . . . . . William Tyndale
1663 to 1727 . . . . . . August Francke
1669 to 1742 . . . . . . Susanna Wesley
1700 to 1760 . . . . . . Count Zinzendorf
1703 to 1791 . . . . . . John Wesley
1718 to 1747 . . . . . . David Brainerd
1725 to 1807 . . . . . . John Newton
1780 to 1845 . . . . . . Elizabeth Fry
1789 to 1871 . . . . . . Charlotte Elliott
1792 to 1875 . . . . . . Charles Finney
1805 to 1898 . . . . . . George Mueller
Born in 1855 . . . . . . Annie Taylor
1902 to 1970 . . . . . . Gladys Aylward
Running in 1920s . . Aged Woman
1910 to 1975 . . . . . . James Stewart
Today . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave
Soft Cover 432 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $12

Each one is on a separate page, with a poem beneath it.
Page Twenty-Six
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right." Ephesians 6:1
"Children, obey your parents."
This is so easy to say.
Then I stop and ask myself:
Do I my Father obey?
Page Forty-Seven
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." I John 2:15
To choose heav'n above hell
Is such an easy task.
But heav'n above this world
Is what our Lord does ask.
Book 1 of The Salt Shaker Series
84 Power-Packed Pages
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The most amazing biography ever written is in the pages of the Old Testament. No other can even be compared to it! During a span of hundreds of years that preceded Christ being reduced to a tiny Seed and placed in the womb of a virgin, God’s prophets penned His story. All other biographies are written after the birth of one’s life are experienced – not centuries before one’s arrival on earth! God alone could – and did – provide the details of the genealogy, miraculous birth, place of birth, life, betrayal, sacrificial death, resurrection, and eternal reign of Jesus, centuries before He even arrived on earth to live it.

“I couldn’t put this book down!” is the comment heard most often from readers of this inspiring book.
As he lay injured in an ambulance beside his bleeding daughter, Paul Wilde made a promise to God. It was a life-changing commitment that led Paul, Carolyn and their eight children into an extraordinary, living-by-faith adventure.
Comparable to the biography of George Mueller, We’ve Come This Far by Faith will thrill, challenge, and inspire you. This book is more than a heartwarming story about the faith journey of a family of ten who learned to trust God. The real story is about our living, faithful, loving God, who loves each of His children and cares about every single one of their needs!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith is full of thrilling answers to simple prayers - a loaf of bread when a family is gathered around the breakfast table; a van full of groceries pulling up when cupboards are empty and no one but God has been told there is a desperate need; a mysterious one word message (Gas) to one of God’s listening servants; an anonymous gift of over $220,000 to pay off a church mortgage - all in answer to prayer alone!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith will dare you and encourage you to trust God to guide you. The Christian life for every Christian should be an exhilarating faith adventure. We serve a real God who is anxious to take care of us and provide for every single one of our needs!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith is a book that will build your faith at this unstable time in our unstable world. Each of us may soon be facing desperate needs. Each one of us needs to know that we can rely on God to provide our daily necessities!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith will help you to know that the God of the Bible is still the God of today!
Soft Cover 286 Pages
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As he lay injured in an ambulance beside his bleeding daughter, Paul Wilde made a promise to God. It was a life-changing commitment that led Paul, Carolyn and their eight children into an extraordinary, living-by-faith adventure.
Comparable to the biography of George Mueller, We’ve Come This Far by Faith will thrill, challenge, and inspire you. This book is more than a heartwarming story about the faith journey of a family of ten who learned to trust God. The real story is about our living, faithful, loving God, who loves each of His children and cares about every single one of their needs!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith is full of thrilling answers to simple prayers - a loaf of bread when a family is gathered around the breakfast table; a van full of groceries pulling up when cupboards are empty and no one but God has been told there is a desperate need; a mysterious one word message (Gas) to one of God’s listening servants; an anonymous gift of over $220,000 to pay off a church mortgage - all in answer to prayer alone!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith will dare you and encourage you to trust God to guide you. The Christian life for every Christian should be an exhilarating faith adventure. We serve a real God who is anxious to take care of us and provide for every single one of our needs!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith is a book that will build your faith at this unstable time in our unstable world. Each of us may soon be facing desperate needs. Each one of us needs to know that we can rely on God to provide our daily necessities!
We’ve Come This Far by Faith will help you to know that the God of the Bible is still the God of today!
Soft Cover 286 Pages
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How To Raise 8 Children and a Husband Without Raising Your Blood Pressure
If you are in desperate need of a laugh, read this book! Whether your kids are still home or have flown the nest, we guarantee you will not be able to read it without a smile. You need these survival techniques from a mother who had 6 daughters and 2 sons in 10 years, one at a time, and has been married to "Hubby" for 61 years! Toss in the fact that this family's last name begins with WILD, and you will get the picture. This book is filled with crazy stories and a few heart-touching ones by a busy Mom who shares her rules for survival. This is a fun read that can be enjoyed a page or two at a time or the whole book in one helping. If you can read it without a smile, you are an exception! If you are a busy mom, try putting a few of these rules for survival into practice! They may protect your sanity and more than a few sudden rises in your blood pressure! Proverbs 17:22 says: "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine!" "How to Raise 8 Kids and a Husband Without Raising Your Blood Pressure" will be a good dose of medicine that will put a chuckle in your heart. As of this date, there have been no side effects to report. If you want to order this book, click this link: |

18,000 pastors are leaving the ministry each year. That is 1,500 every single month. What is behind this exodus from the ministry? Why are so many pastors burned out, emotionally fatigued, physically exhausted, and spiritually discouraged? "Smitten Shepherds" is a book that is dedicated to pastors. It is to the point, straight from the heart and forged from our 30 plus years of pastoring. It is a book written, not to discourage, but to encourage. Pastors and their wives who have read this book are calling and writing to say they have been given extra strength for their race after reading "Smitten Shepherds". One evangelist ordered 100 to encourage pastors. Pastoring today is harder than it was yesterday. It will be harder tomorrow than it is today. Will you be one of the 18,000 who walk away from the church, or will you be one who continues to fight the fight, keep the faith and finish your course? These 122 pages may make the difference.
Readers' Comments:
"From page one, I was gripped, and could not put it down. I believe every minister and every minister's wife should read it, because, although following God's call is immensely rewarding, there are definite pitfalls we must avoid. Finally, we have a book that biblically and effectively addresses the very real challenges we face in the ministry. As a minister, we go through great challenges to our faith, family, and ministry. But, praise God, we can and will make it by the grace of God - just know that this book is a provision of His grace." Mike Croslow, Executive Director of Harvest Churches International
"This book is full of truth and it is strength for those not to give up their position in Christ as they serve the Lord in ministry and leadership. I am passing it on to the pastors on the campus." Catherine Logan, President of Mount Zion School of Ministry
Soft Cover 122 Pages
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Readers' Comments:
"From page one, I was gripped, and could not put it down. I believe every minister and every minister's wife should read it, because, although following God's call is immensely rewarding, there are definite pitfalls we must avoid. Finally, we have a book that biblically and effectively addresses the very real challenges we face in the ministry. As a minister, we go through great challenges to our faith, family, and ministry. But, praise God, we can and will make it by the grace of God - just know that this book is a provision of His grace." Mike Croslow, Executive Director of Harvest Churches International
"This book is full of truth and it is strength for those not to give up their position in Christ as they serve the Lord in ministry and leadership. I am passing it on to the pastors on the campus." Catherine Logan, President of Mount Zion School of Ministry
Soft Cover 122 Pages
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7 Biblical Reasons Why People Get Sick
There are seven - not one or two - but seven Biblical reasons why people get sick.
You need to know every one of them!
This is a balanced book on sickness.
Read it only if ...
“I am a 22 year old girl. I was given your book as I lay on my hospital bed, facing a critical surgery. I read the seven reasons for sickness, and I discovered my reason! I prayed the prayer given at the end of the chapter dealing with my problem, and God gave me peace.”
“Thank you for your book on sickness! No book, other than the Bible, has helped me so much. My husband, a faithful pastor for years, has suffered a devastating stroke. I have finally found answers to my many questions, and my faith in a loving God has been restored.”
“My life has been transformed by the Scriptural truths in your book on sickness! My body was failing fast, and I could hardly walk or move my hands. Then I discovered faith for a miracle – and received mine! I am 81 years old, and God, in His mercy, has healed my body and renewed my strength! I am praising my Healer, serving Him daily, visiting and singing to those younger than I in nursing homes – and even playing golf again!”
“My wonderful husband lies paralyzed from a recent stroke. I read your book aloud to him, as I lay beside his helpless body. We have prayed the prayer for salvation together. God has given us the greatest miracle Gift of all, in the Person of His Son, now our personal Savior.”
“I am 34 years old. My doctors have pronounced the dreaded sentence, Cancer. I have found the answer to my question, God, why am I sick, through the Scriptures quoted in your book.”
“This book is so needed for our day, and is a good book to give out in a hospital. It is very well-balanced and gives hope. God’s love is clearly seen throughout the book.”
“I have read many books on the mystery and the ministry of sickness and suffering, but I have yet to find one that can compare with this book. Not only does the work stretch the mind, but it touches the heart by its use of Holy Spirit inspired truth.”
An Excellent Witnessing Tool!
Soft Cover: 148 Pages
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7 Biblical Reasons Why People Get Sick
There are seven - not one or two - but seven Biblical reasons why people get sick.
You need to know every one of them!
This is a balanced book on sickness.
Read it only if ...
- you are sick.
- you are concerned about someone who is sick.
- you minister to the sick.
- you are critical toward the sick.
- you have compassion for the sick.
“I am a 22 year old girl. I was given your book as I lay on my hospital bed, facing a critical surgery. I read the seven reasons for sickness, and I discovered my reason! I prayed the prayer given at the end of the chapter dealing with my problem, and God gave me peace.”
“Thank you for your book on sickness! No book, other than the Bible, has helped me so much. My husband, a faithful pastor for years, has suffered a devastating stroke. I have finally found answers to my many questions, and my faith in a loving God has been restored.”
“My life has been transformed by the Scriptural truths in your book on sickness! My body was failing fast, and I could hardly walk or move my hands. Then I discovered faith for a miracle – and received mine! I am 81 years old, and God, in His mercy, has healed my body and renewed my strength! I am praising my Healer, serving Him daily, visiting and singing to those younger than I in nursing homes – and even playing golf again!”
“My wonderful husband lies paralyzed from a recent stroke. I read your book aloud to him, as I lay beside his helpless body. We have prayed the prayer for salvation together. God has given us the greatest miracle Gift of all, in the Person of His Son, now our personal Savior.”
“I am 34 years old. My doctors have pronounced the dreaded sentence, Cancer. I have found the answer to my question, God, why am I sick, through the Scriptures quoted in your book.”
“This book is so needed for our day, and is a good book to give out in a hospital. It is very well-balanced and gives hope. God’s love is clearly seen throughout the book.”
“I have read many books on the mystery and the ministry of sickness and suffering, but I have yet to find one that can compare with this book. Not only does the work stretch the mind, but it touches the heart by its use of Holy Spirit inspired truth.”
An Excellent Witnessing Tool!
Soft Cover: 148 Pages
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A gripping tale of cousins whose striking similarities contrast their deadly differences. This unforgettable story will absorb you right up to the end. The best (or worst) part of this book is that you will meet yourself in many of its 297 pages.
"I have read various expositions of Christ and His wonderful truths. This is truly one of the most Spirit-filled books that I have ever read. My life has been furthered in my spiritual growth as a child of God. It is a gift to the body of Christ. I use much of it in my preaching!"
Angel Suarez, Tacoma, Washington
"This is the most unusual, moving book I have ever read. Stay with this book and this book will stay with you."
Bob Harrington
"What a wonderful experience! I loved the story of Joe and Luke! I loved Part II! Part III enthralled me! The way this story is woven with Scriptures is amazing!" Gene Callahan
"This book held me captive from the first to the last page." Beverly Walker
"I cried. I praised. I repented. I felt God's anointing as I read this inspired book. It is truly a call to end day saints!" Suzanne Courtright
"I believe you intended the book for the unsaved, but I think it is so fitting for the church: the ones who have forgotten that this life is not all there is and that wrong will be made right when Christ returns. It is absolutely tremendous!"
Karl Crawford
"I found myself so many, many times in these pages. The journey of the Christian's walk came to life! I wept as I felt the love of the Groom for His beloved Bride. 'A Tale of Two Cousins' will touch the hearts of the young and the old, the new and the mature Christian." Elizabeth Walker
Soft Cover 297 Pages
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"I have read various expositions of Christ and His wonderful truths. This is truly one of the most Spirit-filled books that I have ever read. My life has been furthered in my spiritual growth as a child of God. It is a gift to the body of Christ. I use much of it in my preaching!"
Angel Suarez, Tacoma, Washington
"This is the most unusual, moving book I have ever read. Stay with this book and this book will stay with you."
Bob Harrington
"What a wonderful experience! I loved the story of Joe and Luke! I loved Part II! Part III enthralled me! The way this story is woven with Scriptures is amazing!" Gene Callahan
"This book held me captive from the first to the last page." Beverly Walker
"I cried. I praised. I repented. I felt God's anointing as I read this inspired book. It is truly a call to end day saints!" Suzanne Courtright
"I believe you intended the book for the unsaved, but I think it is so fitting for the church: the ones who have forgotten that this life is not all there is and that wrong will be made right when Christ returns. It is absolutely tremendous!"
Karl Crawford
"I found myself so many, many times in these pages. The journey of the Christian's walk came to life! I wept as I felt the love of the Groom for His beloved Bride. 'A Tale of Two Cousins' will touch the hearts of the young and the old, the new and the mature Christian." Elizabeth Walker
Soft Cover 297 Pages
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Do you know someone that plays piano or guitar? This is the song book for them. As they learn to play these songs, the words will draw them closer to Jesus Christ. If you know a singing group, these are fantastic songs for them to sing of our Savior.
With styles including story ballads, southern gospel, worship, and special occasions, these songs are suitable for choirs, praise ensembles, and special groups. 51 pages If you want to order this book, click this link: |

Does it really make a difference? A shocking look at the removal of God's truths by modern man from today's popular Bible versions.
Before you choose your Bible . . . we dare you to read this book!
Do you honestly know how many entire verses are totally erased from the per-versions? Which Bible Should I Read? will tell you!
Do you really want a Bible that omits "Deliver us from evil" from the Lord's prayer?
Do you really want a Bible that completely skips Matthew 18:11 - even the verse number? A child knows there should be the number 11 between the 10 and the 12! The deleted verse is: "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."
Two tiny words make a huge difference in John 6:47. The King James Bible quotes Jesus as saying: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
And the 2 two letter words that are omitted? "ON ME!"
Some per-versions say: "I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life."
Apparently one can believe in anything or in anyone to receive eternal life, according to this revised quote! All that is necessary is belief!
And what about the New King James version? The differences between the new and the old will shock you!
Discover why so many rewriters of God's Word were struck dumb!
Don't buy just any Bible until you study this shocking book first. Then make up your mind.
Soft Cover: 65 Pages
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Suggested Donation per Book $5

DO NOT WAIT until your Judgment Day to settle this question!
Multitudes will stand before God confident of their salvation and hear Him say, "I never knew you."
There will be no higher court to appeal to. God is the Supreme Judge. His sentence will be final for all eternity. Throngs will go screaming into hell, after believing their entire lives that they were saved from this fate.
But they were not saved. They were deceived.
They were deceived into believing in what the Bible calls another gospel, trusting in what the Bible says is another Jesus, and being misled by what the Bible calls another spirit.
If you are as concerned as you should be about the destiny of your eternal soul, you will read this Scripture-packed book.
Soft Cover: 19 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $5
Multitudes will stand before God confident of their salvation and hear Him say, "I never knew you."
There will be no higher court to appeal to. God is the Supreme Judge. His sentence will be final for all eternity. Throngs will go screaming into hell, after believing their entire lives that they were saved from this fate.
But they were not saved. They were deceived.
They were deceived into believing in what the Bible calls another gospel, trusting in what the Bible says is another Jesus, and being misled by what the Bible calls another spirit.
If you are as concerned as you should be about the destiny of your eternal soul, you will read this Scripture-packed book.
Soft Cover: 19 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $5
Christians have been told to fight the good fight of faith!
We've been instructed to live a life of daily victory in Jesus. But how do we do it? This book will give you clear, practical, step-by-step instructions how to become a victorious Christian! Many Christian Leaders have told us it was following the principles of this book that turned their lives from ones of defeat to ones of Triumph! The War Within Us reveals God's only plan for daily peace and victorious living! Packed with Scriptures! Illustrated Booklet: 36 Pages To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you. Suggested Donation per Book $5 |

Multiplied thousands of Americans have converted to Islam since 9/11/01! Why? Our leaders are presenting this violent religion as one of peace. Our President said, "The Muslim faith is a peaceful faith." Teachers are echoing his statement to our children; the media is portraying Islam as a good religion; Muslim terrorists are described as only a few fanatics; our military is appointing Muslim Chaplains, and our nation's prisoners are converting to Islam at an alarming rate. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. The new statistics say that one of every 4 persons in the world are now Muslim!
Few know what the Koran actually teaches. It is a book veiled in the Arabic language for a very good reason. It is not a holy book, but a war manual. God warns us in Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge . . ." This booklet will give you knowledge that you desperately need.
This is a day to be awake, alert and watching. Our nation's leaders have implemented an alert system. They tell us during high alert times to be watchful. Our Lord Jesus Christ also warned us repeatedly of a time that we must be awake, alert, and watching. The tragic events of 9/11 were our emergency 911 call. Christians, not just in third world nations, but also in America, need to be wide awake. This book is packed with knowledge that you and your loved ones need in the uncertain days ahead. Remember - the lack of knowledge can destroy God's people.
Quotations from: "A LOOK INSIDE ISLAM":
Billy Graham’s son, Franklin: “Islam is an evil and wicked religion.”
The Grand Mufti, Jerusalem’s highest ranking Muslim leader: “Those who blow themselves up while killing Jews are not suicide bombers, but heroic martyrs.”
Sheik Hasan Yosef, a senior Hamas leader: “Children come up to me and say, ‘Conduct another bombing to make us happy!’”
Yosef: “Tens of thousands of youths are now ready to follow in their(suicide bombers’) footsteps. We like to grow them . . . from kindergarten through college.”
The Word of God: ". . . every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.” Deuteronomy 12:31
Mosques now in America: Over 2,000
A seventh grade class in California required students to learn Islam’s tenets, study its important figures, wear a robe, adopt their own Muslim name, pray to Allah, and even stage their own holy war.
The definition of Islam is not peace, but submission and surrender! The mandate for Muslims is to force the submission of the entire world to Islam and the surrender of every man, woman and child to Allah’s control!
There are over 1.6 billion followers of Islam in the world. Many of Islam’s converts are not won by persuasion and the “foolishness of preaching”, but by armed war! Hear this message from Muhammad: “This is the recompense of those who fight against God(Allah) and His Messenger (Muhammad), and hasten about the earth, to do corruption there: they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off, or they shall be banished from the land.”
In 1900, an estimated 35,000 laid down their lives for Jesus. In 1990, there were 260,000 Christian martyrs! Muslim militants in Indonesia killed 10,000 Christians in just two years!
This message is written in Arabic on the mosque in Jerusalem: “God has no Son."
Learn about Muhammad’s camel choosing the holy place for the first mosque; child marriages; Islamic rituals, the Koran’s view of women, formulas for prayer; and the true source of Muhammad’s god, Allah. When you have finished this book, you will know why it is so wonderful to worship our Creator; to be redeemed by His only begotten Son, our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ; to be cleansed by His precious blood; to abide in the doctrines of the Bible; to be guided by the blessed Holy Spirit; to freely partake in the great privilege of prayer . . . and to be a CHRISTIAN!
Soft Cover: 68 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $7
Few know what the Koran actually teaches. It is a book veiled in the Arabic language for a very good reason. It is not a holy book, but a war manual. God warns us in Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge . . ." This booklet will give you knowledge that you desperately need.
This is a day to be awake, alert and watching. Our nation's leaders have implemented an alert system. They tell us during high alert times to be watchful. Our Lord Jesus Christ also warned us repeatedly of a time that we must be awake, alert, and watching. The tragic events of 9/11 were our emergency 911 call. Christians, not just in third world nations, but also in America, need to be wide awake. This book is packed with knowledge that you and your loved ones need in the uncertain days ahead. Remember - the lack of knowledge can destroy God's people.
Quotations from: "A LOOK INSIDE ISLAM":
Billy Graham’s son, Franklin: “Islam is an evil and wicked religion.”
The Grand Mufti, Jerusalem’s highest ranking Muslim leader: “Those who blow themselves up while killing Jews are not suicide bombers, but heroic martyrs.”
Sheik Hasan Yosef, a senior Hamas leader: “Children come up to me and say, ‘Conduct another bombing to make us happy!’”
Yosef: “Tens of thousands of youths are now ready to follow in their(suicide bombers’) footsteps. We like to grow them . . . from kindergarten through college.”
The Word of God: ". . . every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.” Deuteronomy 12:31
Mosques now in America: Over 2,000
A seventh grade class in California required students to learn Islam’s tenets, study its important figures, wear a robe, adopt their own Muslim name, pray to Allah, and even stage their own holy war.
The definition of Islam is not peace, but submission and surrender! The mandate for Muslims is to force the submission of the entire world to Islam and the surrender of every man, woman and child to Allah’s control!
There are over 1.6 billion followers of Islam in the world. Many of Islam’s converts are not won by persuasion and the “foolishness of preaching”, but by armed war! Hear this message from Muhammad: “This is the recompense of those who fight against God(Allah) and His Messenger (Muhammad), and hasten about the earth, to do corruption there: they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off, or they shall be banished from the land.”
In 1900, an estimated 35,000 laid down their lives for Jesus. In 1990, there were 260,000 Christian martyrs! Muslim militants in Indonesia killed 10,000 Christians in just two years!
This message is written in Arabic on the mosque in Jerusalem: “God has no Son."
Learn about Muhammad’s camel choosing the holy place for the first mosque; child marriages; Islamic rituals, the Koran’s view of women, formulas for prayer; and the true source of Muhammad’s god, Allah. When you have finished this book, you will know why it is so wonderful to worship our Creator; to be redeemed by His only begotten Son, our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ; to be cleansed by His precious blood; to abide in the doctrines of the Bible; to be guided by the blessed Holy Spirit; to freely partake in the great privilege of prayer . . . and to be a CHRISTIAN!
Soft Cover: 68 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $7

Shocking Facts of Mormon History and Present Teachings - from their own writings!
Their denial of the omnipresence of God
Their denial of the omniscience of God
Their addition to the Word of God
Their worship of plural gods
Their belief in the wives of gods
Their praise of Adam's sin
Their god - who is Adam
Their baptisms for dead ancestors
Their belief that a man born in 1805 participated in the creation
Their revelation that man will achieve godhood
Their promise of a residence in the highest heaven by the rite of sealing, or celestial marriage, performed only in Mormon temples
Their marriages performed for dead ancestors
Their statement that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth."
On April 7, 2000, World Conference delegates of The Reoganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints voted to approve "Community of Christ" as a new name for the churches in their organization!
Read this book and decide for yourself whether this church is truly part of the genuine "Community of Christ".
Soft Cover: 74 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $7
Their denial of the omnipresence of God
Their denial of the omniscience of God
Their addition to the Word of God
Their worship of plural gods
Their belief in the wives of gods
Their praise of Adam's sin
Their god - who is Adam
Their baptisms for dead ancestors
Their belief that a man born in 1805 participated in the creation
Their revelation that man will achieve godhood
Their promise of a residence in the highest heaven by the rite of sealing, or celestial marriage, performed only in Mormon temples
Their marriages performed for dead ancestors
Their statement that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth."
On April 7, 2000, World Conference delegates of The Reoganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints voted to approve "Community of Christ" as a new name for the churches in their organization!
Read this book and decide for yourself whether this church is truly part of the genuine "Community of Christ".
Soft Cover: 74 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $7

Are Jehovah's witnesses witnessing about the true Jehovah?
Discover their roots as the International Bible Students Association in 1872.
Read prophecies from their own books that were all supposed to be systematically destroyed. (They missed a few - we have them!)
Here is one of their founder's prophecies: "1918 will be the year that God will destroy the Christian church and its members by the millions!" Charles Taze Russell
Changes were swiftly made in literature after 1918 passed without a mass destruction of Christians. The publications were altered in 1926 to state that "destruction of the Christian church will begin in 1918."
After Russell died, another change was made in 1943 in their literature. The year that Christ had "returned invisibly and expelled Satan from planet earth" was changed from 1874 to 1914. (Look around.Do you really believe Satan is no longer on earth?)
Here are some more prophecies:
"Abraham, Isaac, and other Old Testament patriarches will be resurrected in 1925 and establish the earthly phase of the kingdom!" Judge Rutherford
"The Battle of Armageddon will be fought in 1975!" (When 1975 passed uneventfully, over 250,000 members left the Jehovah's Witnesses organization.)
Few of these original books containing these prophecies exist. We have them, and are informing readers of the foundations of this cult in this book.
Members who have been with the Jehovah's Witnesses for years have left the organization and turned to Jesus Christ for salvation.
If you want to be a witness of Jesus to a Jehovah's Witness - begin by studying this book!
Soft Cover: 31 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $7
Discover their roots as the International Bible Students Association in 1872.
Read prophecies from their own books that were all supposed to be systematically destroyed. (They missed a few - we have them!)
Here is one of their founder's prophecies: "1918 will be the year that God will destroy the Christian church and its members by the millions!" Charles Taze Russell
Changes were swiftly made in literature after 1918 passed without a mass destruction of Christians. The publications were altered in 1926 to state that "destruction of the Christian church will begin in 1918."
After Russell died, another change was made in 1943 in their literature. The year that Christ had "returned invisibly and expelled Satan from planet earth" was changed from 1874 to 1914. (Look around.Do you really believe Satan is no longer on earth?)
Here are some more prophecies:
"Abraham, Isaac, and other Old Testament patriarches will be resurrected in 1925 and establish the earthly phase of the kingdom!" Judge Rutherford
"The Battle of Armageddon will be fought in 1975!" (When 1975 passed uneventfully, over 250,000 members left the Jehovah's Witnesses organization.)
Few of these original books containing these prophecies exist. We have them, and are informing readers of the foundations of this cult in this book.
Members who have been with the Jehovah's Witnesses for years have left the organization and turned to Jesus Christ for salvation.
If you want to be a witness of Jesus to a Jehovah's Witness - begin by studying this book!
Soft Cover: 31 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $7

Speaking In Tongues - The Gift That Divides
Likening the gift of tongues to the Iron Curtain that divided friends and families during the Cold War, this book seeks to bring unity to the family of Believers.
Foreword One was written by a Nazarene pastor.
Foreword Two was written by an Assembly of God pastor.
Both recommend this in-depth study of God’s Word on the subject of tongues.
Soft Cover: 46 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $5
Likening the gift of tongues to the Iron Curtain that divided friends and families during the Cold War, this book seeks to bring unity to the family of Believers.
Foreword One was written by a Nazarene pastor.
Foreword Two was written by an Assembly of God pastor.
Both recommend this in-depth study of God’s Word on the subject of tongues.
Soft Cover: 46 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $5

This book was written for you, if you fall into one of these 5 categories: 1. One who believes emphatically in evolution. 2. One who once believed that man was created by God, but has substituted his former belief with evolution. 3. One who is unsure about this question. 4. One who believes that God is man's Creator, but needs to find answers to some troubling questions raised by modern scientists. 5. One who needs a tool to help others discover their Creator. Unbelievable Facts that blast the theory of evolution to pieces and support the truth of Creation. Sir Arthur Keith, a famous Evolutionist said: "Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it because the only alternative is special creation which is unthinkable." Napoleon said: "Man will believe anything, as long as it's not in the Bible." The Encyclopaedia Britannica states: "This revolutionary idea permitted an explanation of the fossil record that did not need to invoke the biblical story of the Flood . . ." A Biblical, scientific, and historical unmasking of the evolution hoax! You will find shocking facts and quotations in this power-packed book with vital truths for students, teachers, and parents!
Soft Cover: 81 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $5
This book was written for you, if you fall into one of these 5 categories: 1. One who believes emphatically in evolution. 2. One who once believed that man was created by God, but has substituted his former belief with evolution. 3. One who is unsure about this question. 4. One who believes that God is man's Creator, but needs to find answers to some troubling questions raised by modern scientists. 5. One who needs a tool to help others discover their Creator. Unbelievable Facts that blast the theory of evolution to pieces and support the truth of Creation. Sir Arthur Keith, a famous Evolutionist said: "Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it because the only alternative is special creation which is unthinkable." Napoleon said: "Man will believe anything, as long as it's not in the Bible." The Encyclopaedia Britannica states: "This revolutionary idea permitted an explanation of the fossil record that did not need to invoke the biblical story of the Flood . . ." A Biblical, scientific, and historical unmasking of the evolution hoax! You will find shocking facts and quotations in this power-packed book with vital truths for students, teachers, and parents!
Soft Cover: 81 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $5
Every Youth Leader needs this book!
Have you ever told a lie? If your answer is yes, you need this book! Has anyone ever told a lie about you? If your answer is yes, then they need this book! Learn the TRUTH ABOUT LIES! Discover:

If you will read this small booklet, you will discover that the Harry Potter craze is not an innocent past time for children. It is a literal descent into the world of witchcraft and wizardry.
Children throughout the world are being prepared for a new era - one of witchcraft and sorcery. This booklet will take you about 15 minutes to read. Please . . . before you join the Christian leaders and churches who are shrugging the Potter books off as harmless, invest a few minutes to read this booklet.
Right under the nose of the sleeping church, an entire generation of children is being programmed to create a new world. They are being taught to scorn "muggles" (people who don't understand and practice witchcraft). They are being prepared to cast spells, use curses, and call on the power of Satan as they become the leaders, teachers, professors, nurses, doctors, and social workers in our future world. Their greatest desire is to create a new and exciting world of witchcraft.
The Bible was removed from our schools and the devil has filled the vacuum.
The effect the Harry Potter books have on children in the world is exposed in this booklet. Read actual letters from children expressing their desire to cast spells, use curses, levitate, become witches and wizards, and operate in the world of the occult and Satanism.
It is past time to wake up!
Small Booklet: 40 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $4
Children throughout the world are being prepared for a new era - one of witchcraft and sorcery. This booklet will take you about 15 minutes to read. Please . . . before you join the Christian leaders and churches who are shrugging the Potter books off as harmless, invest a few minutes to read this booklet.
Right under the nose of the sleeping church, an entire generation of children is being programmed to create a new world. They are being taught to scorn "muggles" (people who don't understand and practice witchcraft). They are being prepared to cast spells, use curses, and call on the power of Satan as they become the leaders, teachers, professors, nurses, doctors, and social workers in our future world. Their greatest desire is to create a new and exciting world of witchcraft.
The Bible was removed from our schools and the devil has filled the vacuum.
The effect the Harry Potter books have on children in the world is exposed in this booklet. Read actual letters from children expressing their desire to cast spells, use curses, levitate, become witches and wizards, and operate in the world of the occult and Satanism.
It is past time to wake up!
Small Booklet: 40 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $4

If you rely on the fact that Jesus turned water into wine to excuse your drunkenness, you had better take a look at the scriptures contained in this booklet.
Alcohol and/or Drug Abuse in America is involved in:
- 69% of all drownings
- 62% of all assaults
- 52% of all rapes
- 50% of all murders
- 50% of all spousal abuse
- 38% of child abuse cases
- 35% of all suicides
This booklet addresses the following subjects straight from the Word of God:
- The Deception of Alcohol
- God's Judgment Upon Those Who Serve Alcohol
- A Father's Drunkenness Brings a Curse to His Grandson
- A Father's Drunkenness Causes Him to Commit Incest
- Drunkenness Caused God's People to Worship Idols
- Drunkenness Causes People to Forget God
- Drunkenness Brings Poverty
- Drunkenness Perverts Judgment
- Drunkenness Keeps People From Salvation
- Drinking Brings Premature Death
- Jesus Delivers Drunkards
Small Booklet: 19 Pages
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $4
Are you tired of hearing the name of Jesus used in blasphemy? Why is His name used in anger and rage? Why don’t people curse the names of Buddha, Allah, or Confucius instead of Jesus? Do your family, friends, or co-workers use the name of Jesus Christ while cursing? Does it cause you pain? Consider how much heartache it causes Jesus! Share this little booklet with those whose lips need to praise Jesus instead of curse Him! It is sure to make them think about why they are cursing Jesus. It also gently leads them to the cross.
Small Booklet: 15 Pages To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you. Suggested Donation per Book $4 |
To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per Book $4 To order this booklet, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this booklet will be a blessing to you. Suggested Donation per Book $4 |
There is a war against the Bible today! Why else would Bibles be banned and burned in Communist and Muslim countries, forbidden in our nation’s schools, mocked in our universities, lay covered with dust in homes, and neglected even in some churches? What causes men to fear the Word of God?
God’s Word is the sword of the Christian! It reveals the entire battle plan of the enemies of Christ and Christianity! No wonder the devil tries to destroy it!
Jesus warned that there would be many deceivers and false prophets in the end days. If ever there was a day when Christians need to know what GOD says, rather than to merely know what men say - it is today!
Don’t fight this war unarmed. Arm yourself with the Sword - the Word of God - that God has provided for you! Down through the past ages, men have been beaten, burned at the stake, and imprisoned - just to bring God’s Word to you. The least we can do is to read it!
Whether you are a brand new Christian or a seasoned Bible student, we guarantee that you will learn something within the first 3 chapters of this course. In fact ... write us if you don't, and we will refund the cost of the book to you! Here is what others are saying about this Bible Study Course:
This is from an author and teacher of God’s Word: "If you are interested in Bible study, you will find Carolyn Wilde's commentaries to be both helpful and a blessing. She has the extraordinary gift of being able, not only to explain the biblical text, but to bring it down to where the rubber meets the road in the territory of daily contemporary Christian experience."
Pastor Emeritus Henry T. Hudson, BA, MA, M.DIV, DD "My wife and I have been participating in New Life in Christ Church's Bible study for the last seven months. We find the course to be very beneficial in furthering our knowledge and understanding of God's written Word. Anyone wishing to further their Bible study will find this course interesting and challenging."
Lee Delhaute, Effingham, Illinois From a new student of this course: "I had to tell you how much this Bible Study has strengthened me and built my faith. It has taught me so much. If felt as if I was right with Jesus through all His trials."
Barbara Daughtery
If reading your Bible has become your "Christian duty" rather than a joy, try studying your Bible with this course. You will be unable to just read through a chapter of the Bible with your thoughts on other things. It will slow you down, and you will have to search for answers to questions as you read and then write them down. As you study, you will find that the Bible is not just a history book, but an instruction book from our Maker! You will learn how the Bible applies to you and your daily walk.
If you are struggling with your faith or you are a skeptic of the Bible, you will discover through the many notes in this course that the Bible could be inspired by no one but our all-knowing God. Multitudes of its detailed prophecies have already come to pass. Only God knows the future thousands of years before it becomes the present! And ... tomorrow’s news reports are already penned in its pages! Learn how modern society and its new inventions have already been described in the pages of this book! Discover the many scientific discoveries of our day that have been revealed in the Bible for thousands of years! Read your Bible - study it - and apply its truths to your life!
This course is designed to be used with the King James Version for a reason.
The world is filled with false prophets and deceivers, just as Jesus told us it would be. Some of these deceivers have dared to rewrite the Word of God!
Before you quit reading this page - just take another moment to look at some changes men have made and then make up your mind about the many versions of the Bible.
Do you really want one of the many versions that omits "Deliver us from evil" from the Lord's prayer in Luke 11:2-4? Do you really want a version that completely skips Matthew 18:11 - even the verse number? A child knows that number 11 should be inserted between 10 and 12! Verse 11 declares the reason Jesus came from heaven to earth: "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." How dare mere men remove His mission statement! Do you really want one of the versions that skips Mark 11:26 and goes from verse 25 to verse 27? Verse 26 is our Savior’s instruction to us to forgive: "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses." The prayer men have named "The Lord’s Prayer" in Matthew 6:9-13 has been shortened in many versions. Missing are these triumphant words: "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." Two more entire verses that are missing are Christ’s description of hell in Mark 9:44 and 46: "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." The thief has stolen these verses from many versions! Jesus told Satan in Luke 4:4: "It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." The Living Bible says: "It is written in the Scriptures, ‘Other things in life are much more important than bread.’" Jesus told us we live by bread and by every word of God! Who gave man the authority to remove part of Jesus’ words? Many versions have also cut Mark 9:29 short. Again, we quote the words of Jesus. "And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." Fasting has been removed from our Lord’s plain teaching! Then there is Colossians 1:14: "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins ..." Many versions have dared to removed "through His blood." Revelation 11:17 says: "We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned." Other versions simply refer to the One who is and who was - but have removed this blessed promise: "and art to come"! The New King James version has eliminated the words:
Lord - 66 times;
Heaven - 55 times;
Repent - 44 times;
Blood - 23 times.
Do you really want one of the many versions that remove 2 words from Jesus’ message in Matthew 9:13? "... I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." "To repentance" are the 2 words that were removed. Yet Jesus said in Luke 13:3 & 5: "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Do you really want a version that omits 2 two letter words in John 6:47? The King James Bible quotes Jesus as saying: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." The two eliminated words are: "ON ME!" Some per-versions say: "I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life." Men who simply believe - in anything or on anyone - are not promised eternal life. Only those who believe on JESUS have been given the promise of eternal life.
We have a book in our web store on this subject. It is called, "Which Bible Should I Read?" You may order it separately, or we will send it to you at no cost if you order a beautiful large print King James Version Bible and a minimum of 3 Bible course books. You will learn many more facts that will show you why we use the King James Bible with this Bible Study Course.
Whether or not you use our Bible Course - begin today with a diligent daily study of your Bible!
Darkness is filling this world. Don’t stumble through it without the lamp God has provided for us! Psalm 119:105 says: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6
Solemn Warnings From God to Man:
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22:18 & 19 "What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." Deuteronomy 12:32 "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." Proverbs 30:5-6
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this Bible Study Book, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per study book, it helps us to continue to provide books to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this Bible Study Book will be a blessing to you.
To order this CD, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per CD it helps us to continue to provide CDs to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this CD will be a blessing to you.
To order this CD, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per CD it helps us to continue to provide CDs to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this CD will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per CD $7
To order this CD, go to contact form or call us by telephone, and request the number desired. When you give the suggested donation to New Life in Christ Church per CD it helps us to continue to provide CDs to those who are unable to afford them. We pray this CD will be a blessing to you.
Suggested Donation per CD $7 |
1. Our Prayer
2. Jesus, So Dear To Me 3. Amazing Grace 4. Two Lives Bound Together 5. What God Hath Put Together 6. What a Friend We Have in Jesus 7. He Holds My Hand 8. Sweet Protection 9. He Hideth My Soul Medley 10. He Stills the Waters Medley 11. You Are My Savior 12. The Altogether Lovely One 13. Just a Closer Walk With Thee 14. The Home 15. Peace in the Valley 16. Over the Sunset Mountains 17. Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart 18. Lead Me To Some Soul Today Medley 19. The Wicked Shall Cease Their Troubling 20. This World is Not My Home 21. Jesus is the One I Am Looking For 22. Do You Know My Jesus 23. It All Begins With You on Bended Knee |